How can I stop spam with Spam Filters?
In cPanel we have an option called Spam Filters which is powered by Apache SpamAssassin, it will help making sure you receive a lot less spam. This is compleely free and this article will explain how to set this up.
Set up the Spam Filter
Step 1. Login to your cPanel.
Step 2. Click Spam Filters within the Email category.
Step 3. Click Process New Emails and Mark them as Spam (if it's disabled).
Step 4. Go to Spam Threshold Score and set it to Default (5) or Recommended for well tested servers (4) and click on Update Scoring Options.
Delete current spam messages
Step 1. Login to your cPanel.
Step 2. Click Spam Filters within the Email category.
Step 3. Click Automatically Delete New Spam (Auto-Delete) and go to Configure Auto-Delete Settings.
Step 4. Make sure the required_score is 5 or 4 and click on Update Auto-Delete Score.
Step 5. All messages with that specific spam score will be deleted then.
N.B: If you still recieve a lot of spam you can lower the required_score to a custom number of 3.